These prospective legal issues could emerge over the coming years, and media coverage of this topic has mentioned the UCLy students’ project.
Notice: Please notice that articles listed below are in French.
France Inter
- “A moot court for self-driving cars”
Le Monde
- “In Lyon, a moot court highlights the future legal challenges posed by new technologies”
- “Building a trustworthy form of artificial intelligence”
Rue 89
- “Lyon Métropole and robots that want to help patients lose weight”
- “A self-driving car crashes and the City of Lyon foots the bill”
- “Transpolis: the transport laboratory of the future”
- “Moot court involving a self-driving vehicle: student lawyers and judges forging the justice of tomorrow at the Council of State”
Lyon Capital
- “Moot court in Lyon: a Black Mirror-like case is heard in court”
Le tout Lyon
- “Lyon Administrative Court of Appeal: a second moot court”
Annual Review of the French Council of State 2020
- “An increasingly open and accessible administrative justice system”