Articles scientifiques

Articles scientifiques en français

  • Fabrice Defferrard, « Les Trois lois de la robotique sont-elles des normes juridiques ? », Dalloz IP/IT, janvier 2020, p. 76

In this article, the author tries to determine whether Asimov’s law are ‘legal norms’ per se. According to him, sanctions must be considered. As no sanctions apply to robots if they breach Asimov’s law, then the latter are not norms for them. However, the creators of robots are subject to torts law.

  • Mustapha Mekki, « Blockchain et métiers du droit en questions », Dalloz IP/IT, janvier 2020, p. 87

This article is an interview of Mustapha Mekki. The author explains the influence of AI and blockchain on legal careers.

  • Sylvian Dorol, « Blockchain et métiers du droit : la fin des tiers de confiance ? » Dalloz IP/IT, février 2020, p. 92

This article focuses on the application of blockchain to a specific job : bailiff. The author explains that this new technology will be useful, but that a human being is still necessary to develop a proper appreciation of reality.

  • Vivien Streiff, « Blockchain et authenticité : pour copie non certifiée conforme », Dalloz IP/IT, février 2020, p. 76

According to the author, blockchain does not have potential for replacing the existence of notaries. He indeed considers that blockchain is nothing like an authentic act.

  • Myriam Quéméner, « Les pouvoirs publics face aux cyberattaques : quelles réponses ? », Dalloz IP/IT, février 2020, p. 124

In this article, the author analyses a parliamentary report drafted by the French National Assembly, which is seen as a renewed awareness that cyber-attacks come with serious risk for public institutions.

  • Christian Byk, « Présentation des enjeux de la responsabilité numérique », Dalloz IP/IT, mars 2020, p. 151

In this article, the author analyses a report drafted by a French MP and mathematician Cedirc Villani. The latter indeed considered that the AI should rely on ethical foundations. The author takes this report as an opportunity to raise several questions related to the use of AI.

  • Florence G’Sell, « Vers l’émergence d’une « responsabilité numérique » ? », Dalloz IP/IT, mars 2020, p. 153

In this article, the author challenges the relevance of the concept of ‘digital responsibility’. In fact, responsibility-related matters would have so many forms that it would not be possible to identify a single type of ‘digital responsibility’, even though new technologies raise specific challenges.

  • Olivier de Maison Rouge, « Les conséquences du RGPD pour les acteurs de la santé », Dalloz IP/IT, mars 2020, p. 298

In this article, the author underlines that health professionals have to process data, and explores how the GDPR would apply to them.

  • Christian Byk, « La souveraineté numérique à l’heure de la gouvernance mondiale », Dalloz IP/IT, mars 2020 p. 337

This article explores the various forms of ‘digital sovereignty’, and how concepts like supreme power and autonomy could apply to cyberspace.

  • Bénédicte Bévière-Boyer, « Faire face au risque de souveraineté numérique incontrôlée », Dalloz IP/IT, juin 2020, p. 339

The author explains how the rising powers of GAFAMI and BATX challenge state sovereignty. In fact, it is arguable that the supreme power os States as well as their independance vis-à-vis external actors is challenged. She also explains how principles like free-competition are challenged by this phenomenon.

  • Arnaud Latil, « En attendant la Déclaration de droits fondamentaux du numérique », Dalloz IP/IT, novembre 2020, p. 593

The author explains that, when the relationship between digital technologies and human rights is assessed, principles like the right to privacy and non-discrimination are often assessed. However, he deplores that the question of weaknesses – individual, social or economic – is never assessed.

  • Julie Groffe-Charrier, La loi est-elle dictée par le code ?, Dalloz IP/IT, novembre 2020, p. 602

The author explains that the ‘code is law’ formula, which has often been used, is not relevant anymore. In fact, she finds that the law now enjoys primacy over the code, as reflected by the diversity of state regulations.

  • Sophie Kwasny et Cécile de Terwangne, « La protection des données à l’ère du numérique : la Convention 108+, parente et nécessaire alliée du RGPD », Dalloz IP/IT, novembre 2020, p. 607

The article explains how Europe became one of the first continent to care about the application of human rights to digital technologies, and refers to the Convention 108+ and the GDPR.

  • Christophe Lachièze, « Intelligence artificielle : quel modèle de responsabilité ? », Dalloz, IP/IT, décembre 2020, p. 663

The author wonders whether, in French law, a new regulation surrounding torts should be defined to tackle AI. He concludes that this is not necessary, as liability for the action of things is sufficient.

  • Mustapha Mekki, « Les fonctions de la responsabilité civile à l’épreuve du numérique : l’exemple des logiciels prédictifs », Dalloz IP/IT, décembre 2020, p. 672

According to the author, civil liability and trials make it possile for victims to find the truth, and to be officially ackowledged as ‘victims’. The author fears that predictive justice will endanger these functions of the trial.

  • Bénédicte Beauchesne, « La dépendance européenne et nationale face aux nouveaux acteurs du numérique », Dalloz IP/IT, mars 2021, p. 125
  • Marc Watin-Augouard, « La cybersécurité, enjeu de la souveraineté à l’ère numérique », Dalloz IP/IT, mars 2021, p. 130
  • Laurent Archambault, « Vers une nouvelle réglementation européenne des drones », Dalloz IP/IT mars 2021, p. 163
  • Catherine Morin-Desailly, Cybercontrefaçon dans l’Union : un défi majeur à relever, Dalloz IP/IT 2021, p. 485

Abstract : The digitalization of society resulted in the offer of an increasing number of goods, technologies and contents. Coupled to the internationalization of trade, intellectual property is at risk. However, the European Union decided to react, including through the Action Plan on Intellectual Property.

  • Geoffroy Goubin and Lisa Janaszewicz, Le hacking éthique : votre meilleur ennemi ?, Dalloz IP/IT 2021, pp. 505-509

Abstract : This article focuses on the concept of ‘ethical hacking’. This concept means that hackers are hired by companies to identify vulnerabilities. However, the authors suggest that the legal framework is ill-suited to tackle this phenomenon, in particular if hackers decide to deviate from their missions.

  • Laurent Abadie, Blockchain et traçabilité de l’énergie, Dalloz IP/IT 2021, pp. 551-555

Abstract : This article supports the use of blockchains to favour the traceability of energy, in particular owing to the fact that a certain amount of energy must be produced thanks to renewable means.

  • Brunessen Bertrand, ‘L’émergence d’une politique européenne du numérique’, RTD Eur. 2021, p. 129

Abstract : This article explores the emergence of a European approach to digital challenges, and suggests that a European space for data is currently emerging, as well as common approach vis-à-vis artificial intelligence.

  • Valérie Laure Benabou, ‘Une cinquième liberté de circulation numérique ? Est-ce possible ? Est-ce utile ?’, RTD Eur. 2021, p. 279

Abstract: This article deals with the obstacles that a fifth freedom of movement in the digital era may meet. These obstacles consist of the possibility to track data, the dependancy on third States in terms of infrastructures and hardware, about the definition of a data, and the relation between RGP and fundamental freedoms.

  • Céline Castets-Renard, « Quel Droit de l’Intelligence Artificielle dans l’Union Européenne? Ou les Multiples Ambitions Normatives de l’AI Act », Dalloz IP/IT, 2022, p. 67

Abstract: This article synthetizes the main objectives and measures which appear in the draft AI Act, like the risk-based approach, the extraterritorial effect, the placement of the systems on the market and sanctions.

  • Christiane Féral-Schuhl, « L’influence des réseaux sociaux sur le droit », Dalloz IP/IT 2022, p. 177

Abstract : This article investigates the influence of social networks on legal regulations.

  • Ola Mohty et Sylvain Staub, Les sanctions pour violations du RGPD : quelle efficacité ?, Dalloz IP/IT 2022, p. 198

Abstract : This article underlines that, in the event of a breach of the GDPR, sanctions were not systematically applied. It identifies, in particular, those provisions from the GDPR which are often disregarded (information, legal basis, rights of users etc.)

Articles scientifiques en anglais

  • Thibault Moulin, « Reviving the Principle of Non-Intervention in Cyberspace: The Path Forward », Journal of Conflict and Security Law, Volume 25, Issue 3, Winter 2020, pp. 423–447