Project medegefinancierd in het kader van de oproep tot indiening van projecten Erasmus+ Strategische Partnerschappen 2019.
Rechtenfaculteit – Techlaw Clinic
Campus Saint-Paul | 10, place des archives – 69002 Lyon
TechLawClinics is an innovative project that won the 2019 Erasmus+ Strategic Partnerships call for projects. It aims at enabling students to think critically and to develop a better understanding of prospective issues related to new technologies, in order to allow them – in their future career – to devise practical solutions for businesses and legal professionals. Students are assisted by lawyers, judges, researchers, engineering students and technology companies, and are required to draft genuine legal instruments, such as petitions, written submissions, conclusions, and judgments in the same way as professionals.
Project medegefinancierd in het kader van de oproep tot indiening van projecten Erasmus+ Strategische Partnerschappen 2019.
Rechtenfaculteit – Techlaw Clinic
Campus Saint-Paul | 10, place des archives – 69002 Lyon